Hi everyone,
My mum has to go for biopsies tomorrow, due to a 13mm tumour found on her omentum that was discovered by CT scan after having unexplained abdominal pain for months. I can’t stop googling and finding out the most awful answers to everything I’m searching. I know I have to wait for the results and take it from there, but I’m driving myself mad with worry. It sounds like this means that her cancer is in advanced stages and will never be curable. I can’t cope if this is the case. Is it really as bad as it seems?
Hi Shortstop welcome to the forum. I wish I could give you some re-assurance but unfortunately, and you have said it yourself it is a case of waiting for the results. PLEASE STAY OFF GOOGLE. Google is good for general searches but your mums cancer is unique to her and Google doesnt have that type of information so people get more scared than they need to be, and you have experienced this first hand.
The trick is to keep busy until those results are back and then you will know exactly what you are dealing with and what the plan of action is for your mum. Its not easy for any of you and the waiting is awful but it will come around sooner than you think so hang in there and stay off google for the time being.
Hi, I am sending you a hug. It is to be expected worrying but Google will fill you with fear, you are right to look here for advice from people going through the same thing.. it seems your Mam has a loving daughter that will help her through whatever comes her way, things might not be as bad as you are thinking, keep in touch.
Hi, like others have said, please stop Googling! I did the same after some of my results came through and it just made me more stressed. A lot of the information on the internet is outdated and won't be relevant to your mums case. Try to find something to distract you from Google, go for a walk, cosy up with your mum and put Netflix on. It's horrible waiting for results but you really don't know what you're stressing over until there is a firm diagnosis. After which the specialist team will be the best ones to get information from. Treatments are improving all the time and there are some great stories on here from women diagnosed with rare and late stage cancers who are still here and going strong. Don't believe all the negative things you've seen on Google.
I hope it all goes as well as can be. X
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