Early retirement due to ill health

  • 2 replies
  • 30 subscribers


I wondered if anyone could share their experience of managing to or trying to retire due to ill health, I have stage 3 cancer and my five year survival rate due to the type of cancer is pretty low. I am not terminally ill as I have read if you have been told you have less than 12 months to live you can access all of your private pension before the usual age.

I guess I am wondering how much of a bearing is your predicted outcome for five year survival. I have read that to retire early it has to be based on whether you can continue to work in your current role or not and for some schemes such as the NHS, the second part is whether you can work at all. Who did you obtain advice from to help with this? Physically I am okay and suspect I will be post treatment (if it continues to work) but mentally I would find my job difficult to go back to.

just wondered about others experiences.


  • Hi Tracy, I'm sorry I can't answer your specific questions however from the very helpful Macmillan booklets that I have read I believe with our cancer diagnosis we are now classed as disabled.  This also means your workplace should make 'reasonable adaptations' for you to help you return to work.  In your post you say you would find your job difficult to go back to but can you think of reasonable adaptations that could be made at work that would enable you to return?  

  • Thanks Sarah for the response. I think it is something I will have to speak about with occupational health when I return to work. This is all so difficult isn’t it, when your life has been turned upside down. Xx