Carcinosarcoma of the womb

  • 2 replies
  • 31 subscribers

My ex mother in law was diagnosed with the above. I'm not sure exactly where the tumour was, but she had keyhole surgery hysterectomy earlier in the year, followed by  a few sessions of radiotherapy.

On her first scan it showed the a tumour had come back in that area, and it causing her bowel to be blocked. She can't eat and is a lot of abdominal pain.

Yesterday she had a hospital appointment where she was given strong painkillers and some hormone tablets which may slow down the growth. I think this must have been the only treatment option as she is 85 years old.

Anyone know how effective the hormone treatment is?is it likely to hold it off for long?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated


  • Hi . I'm sorry to read of your ex mother-in-law's diagnosis and that now she can't eat and has a lot of abdominal pain.

    I'm in the Womb Cancer group and haven't noticed this post there so perhaps to get more answers would suggest you post this there as well.

    I have read that hormone tablets can be given to slow the tumour growth but are you able to give her CNS a call for reassurance? You could also Ask a Nurse here on the forum but allow two or three days for a reply.

    Sending all the best, B xx

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  • Hi ya

    Yes i realised after I posted this that I should have gone to the womb cancer forum. thanks for you reply x