Waiting on Results

  • 2 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hello, I went to have an ultrasound Monday as I have been having random pain on my left side. It feels occasionally like my intestines are twisting. I have not had bloating really. I didn’t notice over the holidays a lack of appetite. I did develop heartburn which I have nothing had in many years. I bought a house the end of Oct. and thought the move just really flared my back pain. The difference was my groin was hurting so bad. That was not usually the case when my L4/S1 flare. 
my ultrasound showed a solid mass with vascularity. My left ovary is adhered to my bowel. There was some endometrial thickening. I have been in menopause about two years and have never had any bleeding since. I was really shocked when the doctor told me. I went immediately to the lab to get the Ova1 test. My follow up was the 25th. This am they called and told me they received my results and can do a telemed visit tomorrow afternoon with me. 
I am now freaking out. Seriously. I can’t believe out of nowhere this can be happening. 
I assume everyone on here feels this way. I am not sure if it is a good thing they want to talk to me tomorrow or a bad thing. Ugh. 

  • Hi, so sorry to hear you’re going through this and, like so many  of us on this site, you’ve come to this point without really having much advance warning from your body of an underlying problem.

    I know it’s hard, but please try to think of it as a good thing that you’re having the follow up call tomorrow if you can - being kept waiting for news really isn’t an easier option and, even if the news isn’t what you would have hoped for, your best chance of winning the battle will lie In taking steps with as much urgency as you can.

    Best of luck with the call tomorrow - I’ll be thinking of you,


  • FormerMember

    That feeling of this coming out of the blue and things suddenly moving quickly is very familiar. I hope your appointment this afternoon went as well as these things can do, and that you have some sort of way forward beginning to form.