Debulked and waiting

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Hi all

I'm home from hospital after primary debulking surgery on the 19th Nov. I presented with CA125 of 841, and a 15cm tumour on my ovary. They removed two ovarian tumours, plus omentum, full hysterectomy, and para-aortic lymph nodes which were looking suspicious. 

I'm back for histology on 11th Dec; any suggestions on how to get through these next weeks?

PD x

  • Hi , waiting for results is so hard. You have done the tough bit getting through the operation. I would suggest getting as much rest as you can,focus on recovery and try to stay in the present. I find mindfulness helps to ground me when my mind spirals. There are lots of apps out there. I know the 13th seems a long way off , it will soon come round. You will get through this, this time last year I was so overwhelmed waiting for diagnosis and treatment, fast forward to now, front line treatment finished and doing well. Take care. Xx

  • Hi PD

    Snap!had the same operation towards the end of October.I was hoping my histology results would have been back by now but I rang to check and apparently they haven't had all the results back! obviously this sent my imagination into overdrive!

    I definitely did not rest as much as I should have when first home and really had to make myself take it easy i.e not frantically pushing the vac and over stretching reaching up to cupboards!I really had to get into the mindset that I had to look after myself and be fit and ready for the next stage.

    I've spent the time trying to eat healthy and that's been my main focus,eating plans recipes etc,I've slowly built up how far I walk each day too.I know I can't change what the results are going the be so I'll just have to try and control the things I can!!

    Also I've been listening to audio books instead of trying to read,I found unhelpful thoughts kept popping into my head and it was easy to be distracted,now when i'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed and sometimes emotional/tearful (which definitely isn't a usual thing for me) i'll just pop in the earbuds lay down and escape into a novel for an hour.I also have a sleep app,again just to help stop my mind racing at night.

    Take care and look after yourself 


  • Hi I had debulking surgery 2 months ago appendix removed also.  Still small deposits on bowel, but pre surgery I was told to consider a stoma, but they didn’t need to do this.  Only diagnosed end of August, low grade serous but stage 3.  I am being treated with chemo, started 4 days ago for 6 cycles, then a further 12 months of Avastain. Had a first tough cycle and bad reaction to Taxol, so need to oncologist before next cycle, to tweak the drugs.  I Feel like my whole world has exploded in just 2 months, I am trying to keep positive as I know this will help my body to recover.   

  • Hi ADAV

    That's interesting as I had appendix removed too, interesting to see what treatment your having as I'm due to see my consultant next week to discuss what's going to happen going forward,I'm staying positive even though I know it's not going to be plain sailing!this forum has helped seeing how many people come through the other side and it's not the end of everything to be diagnosed with cancer.

    Sending you positive thoughts 


  • Bless you. It’s hard. Take each day at a time. Try to do things you like to do. Make sure you rest in between. Make plans for future outings. 
    I am in the same boat and happy to chat to you. I had full debunking plus 6” of bowel removed. Had a CT scan last week and oncology appointment Monday to see what the next steps will be depending on what they find. I’m not terminal but not curable - whatever that means!! Good luck to you. If you would like to chat or text let me know and I will give you my number. Ritab x

  • Hi, lovely to hear from someone who is in a similar position, I have found comfort in the last few days reading different stories.  You’re right it is not the end of everything, just need to keep a positive mind and take every day as it comes.  What I keep telling myself is in a way I am lucky to have been diagnosed now, rather than later as i thought I was just going through the menopause and just had a sixth sense to get myself properly checked out. Xx

  • Hi lovely to hear from you.  I am trying to carry on as “normal” or the new normal as it will be from now on.  I hope your appointment goes well on Monday, and you are given a future plan moving forward.  I know when they said not curable it feared me with dread, but I was told by my oncologist to treat it as a Chronic illness that can be treated.  It is low grade slow moving and I was told I had probably had it for years.  Take care x

  • Hi Ritab- thanks so much for your reply. I've definitely learnt a lot about my energy levels and have done a few nice things including scheduling friends to visit, watching Wicked at the cinema (amazing; wiped me out) etc. 

    I already have butterflies thinking about tomorrow, so thanks for your good luck wishes! I don't understand the difference between terminal and curable either; but how are you doing? 

    PD x

  • Thanks ADAV; i have a whole list of questions for tomorrow, including what type of cancer it is, I feel I have a massive learning curve ahead of me, as I don't quite understand  what different cancer types there could be. 

    Hope you keep managing ok with the chemo, so sorry you've found it tough. When are you at the oncologist again?

    Sending best wishes xx

  • Good luck tomorrow. At least you will know the way forward and plan accordingly. I’m doing ok at the moment which is nice. Waiting for Monday for CT scan results. Just think of the strength you’ve had so far and hang onto that. Xx