Sore mouth - what to eat?

  • 4 replies
  • 54 subscribers

I seem to have succumbed to a bad ulcer and general sore mouth. I’ve got the benzadyine mouthwash and bonjela. 
Any suggestions on what you’ve eaten when experiencing this? I’ve tried eggs and soup and food I thought was soft but aggravated it.

Also, any reassurance it will get better gratefully received!

  • Small Devon custard pots helped me. Hope you like them and get back to normal soon x

    Stage 4 ovarian cancer travel insurance 

  • Hiya I had sore mouth and dry lips it did ease after a while I used the mouth wash  and some said about blistiz lip cream which helped. Take care 

  • Swish with effervescent paracetamol four times a day. Use the difflam mouthwash every 90 minutes. Both will help with the pain. Avoid Bonjela. I dabbed Genigel first aid for gums oral fluid directly on the ulcers, which was soothing. Rinse with plain lukewarm water after you eat to keep your mouth clean. It will improve, I promise. I did have one persistent ulcer that took weeks to clear but the rest of my mouth did heal. Foodwise. I avoided anything spicy or crusty or acidic. Stuck to soft white bread, cream cheese, rice pudding, milkshakes.

  • Thank you all. I found my sore mouth finally went by rinsing with diluted TCP. It’s nice to be back on solids.