Finally a diagnosis !

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A couple of days ago I had a phone call from one of my Consultants. The Gynae guy.

He said that on the balance of probability the primary organ appears most likely to be Gynae origin. Not small bowel. Therefore they won't be doing the PET CT scan on 23rd of this month as this was to check small bowel primarily. 

He said he and members of the MTD held that day feel is mega urgent to go ahead with surgery.

To this end he now has a complex MDT scheduled for the 21st which includes specialist surgeons at Gynae Aberdeen with the aim being to get me in within 2 weeks and remove the main enormous tumour, the peritoneum with 4 mets, ovary, fallopian tube, uterus and possibly appendix if it looks diseased as this could still be the primary organ.

I am delighted as he totally agreed  that this needs to be done urgently and with no further delays.

  • Hi Cheekat

    I am so pleased that you have finally got a diagnosis and it has been agreed that your surgery needs to be done urgently. I hope the MDT meeting next week gives you an actual date for it all to go ahead.

    I wish you well with your surgery. 

    I am not sure what to suggest re patient transport as your have already arranged a letter from your consultant. At my hospital there are alternative providers that can help, some volunteers, some at subsidised cost. Not sure what to suggest other than to call the Support Line and give them details of where you are and where you need to go and they can do a search to see if there is anything available. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm