Biopsy question

  • 6 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hello - newbie here

I've recently had an unidentified tumour discovered near one of my ovaries.  It was a chance find after an ultrasound to check the location of my IUD as the strings were noted to be missing at a smear.

I've had an MRI and the mass has been graded as ORADS5 - highest chance of it being malignant.  I'm now waiting for a second consultant appointment on the 19th.

This has really come out of the blue and whilst I am so grateful that the nurse doing my smear flagged the missing IUD which led to this ultrasound I'm really overwhelmed by what will happen next.

I've always had fibroids, cysts and endometriosis so used to the majority of the symptoms that are also linked to ovarian and endometrial cancer so hadn't thought that anything was 'more wrong' than usual.

When I last saw the consultant before the MRI results were available, the assumption was it would be a fibroid and they would look to do a laparoscopy to remove the fibroids but would they now be more likely to do a hysterectomy to get rid of everything?  Or are there other options to establish if it's malignant first?

I'm 47 so my child bearing years are over and I'm on the verge of menopause anyway but just trying to understand what I need to be asking my consultant when I see her again.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi , Becks , so sorry you find yourself in this situation, not easy I know. It’s could be that biopsies are carried out when you have the laparoscopy to diagnose if the mass is malignant before any further decision is made about further surgery. Waiting is so overwhelming I know. Take care, and hope your appointment on the 19th gives you more information about next steps. Xx

  • Hi Becks, I'm in a very similar situation, I'm 45. Due to symptoms of ovary pain on both sides, bloating, bad back etc I was sent for bloods and an ultrasound. My CA125 came back as 107 but ultrasound wasn't clear. I had an MRI, which showed two complex cysts with O-RADS of 5 on one ovary, and 4 on the other, largest is 8cm. I've had three laparoscopic ops in the past due to larger, but simple cysts. I've been booked in for a total abdominal hysterectomy on the 27th. I still don't know what I'm facing until I can get biopsy results AFTER the operation. Slight frown The waiting is awful. 

  • Really sorry to hear this. So hard to know what is going on inside when you live with these sort of symptoms all the time due to other cysts and stuff. I have had two laps in the past for endometriosis but that was before I had my daughter so 15-20 years ago.

    I hope all goes well next week. Keep me posted  xx

  • Yes, let me know how you get on too. X

  • Thanks. I've been told it's a hysterectomy or a hysterectomy - no other options so now waiting for surgical preappointment on September 11th.


  • Hi , best wishes for your surgery Lolasmum. Take care.xx