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  • 55 subscribers

I’ve just had a diagnosis of ovarian cancer with secondary in abdo. Hoping to go for first cycle on Monday next. In the mean time what can I do or not do. Can I see family / friends or is it best to isolate. Husband is being a bit over protective and wants to wrap me up to stay safer. 

  • Hi Trudles

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Ovarian group. 

    I am sorry to hear that you have had a diagnosis of ovarian cancer and are due to start chemotherapy on Monday.

    I had chemotherapy in 2022 and can understand that it can be a worrying time and one where you naturally have questions. 

    I always felt it a balance between keeping safe and continuing to do normal things when I could. During my chemotherapy covid was about and I did tend to avoid busy places, meet friends/family in smaller groups or outside. I would avoid anyone who was unwell and when I went into hospital or to the doctors for routine appointments I would wear a mask. 

    Catching something can delay treatment but it is really once treatment has started that there is a higher risk from infections. You could call your CNS for some advice maybe? 

    One thing I would suggest is to buy a reliable thermometer - then you can keep an eye on your temperature and if it does rise then call your cancer helpline as they may well want you to go in to be checked. This happened to me and I was admitted. 

    We have a forum on here for people who are undergoing chemotherapy and I found it helpful.

    Chemotherapy forum - Macmillan Online Community

    With any medical questions or if you just want to talk through preparing for chemo and how to avoid any risks then I can recommend that you give the Support Line a call (number below) and speak to one of the nurses.

    I wish you well with your treatment and if there is anything else you want to ask about please do so.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for your response, I did phone my nurse and she was very helpful saying almost the same as you . 

  • That's good to hear. Anything else you need, you know where we are.

    Good luck with your treatment



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm