Reacted to second chemo drug

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  • 55 subscribers

Hi well after reacting badly 3 weeks ago to one of my combo drugs paclitaxel the consultant wanted to change it to docetaxel with the carboplatin which I had today  . Unfortunate after only 4 minutes same happened with excruciating back pain . So has anyone had other alternatives ? My doctor has mentioned a third plan CAP ? What are the thoughts on that ? Does that mean even no more carboplatin as that has worked on reducing ca125 from 430 to 325 and reduced size considerably of my groin lymph node ? Thoughts and experiences please . I was hoping to get big reductio after 4 lots and aim for surgery but not sure if that will work naturally very upset and disappointed today x 



    Hi Gill

    It must have been so disappointing that they had to stop your chemo due to the side effects you were experiencing. 

    I'm not a member of this group but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list and hopefully some of the other ladies in the group who have the right experience will be along shortly to talk to you.

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