Nausea and ovarian cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hi everyone

I am new to the group.  I have stage 4 ovarian cancer.  I have had two cycles of Paclitaxel Carboplat and Avastin.

I am just wondering if anyone else has suffered with nausea week before next cycle of chemotherapy.

This is the week I hoped to feel well.  Could it be anxiety?

Cosmoscat xx

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering from nausea, that must be horrible. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with this, as I didn't have chemo with for the type of cancer that I had, So I can't comment on whether your anxiety is causing this or not.

    Have you spoken to your team as there are medications that can be given to combat nausea? I hope the feeling is now subsiding but, if not, do give your team a call.

    When you have a minute it would be really useful if you could pop something about your journey so far into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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  • FormerMember


    i am stage 4 primary peritoneal carcinoma, it is lumped together with ovarian cancer as the peritoneal is made up of the same tissue as the ovaries, it is quite rare to have peritoneal cancer as a primary, it has usually metastasised from elsewhere ie the ovaries.

    my treatments so far have been 9 weeks of carbo/ taxel/ avastin then debulk op (which they wouldn’t give me) so I then had another 9 weeks of the same, everything shrank, I was to stay on Avastin for a further 8 months but unfortunately it wasn’t holding the cancer back.

    after a couple of months break and CA125 up around 1500 I went on monthly carbo/ doxorubicin, I never felt so poorly in all my life, after a 3 month scan it was deemed not to be working so I am now on weekly taxel 3 on 1 off, I’ve just had the 2 sessions so far so too early to say if it’s working, I’m definitely tolerating this better but it may well build up and cause me problems along the way.

    The nausea really was the pits on my first regime, I had to change all scented toiletries for myself and hubby as I couldn’t bear the smells, the very worst was soap powder and comfort (yuk) I don’t think the anxiety will make you feel nauseous but might be worth asking the care team.
    I feel for you as it is very debilitating and hard to deal with, I did have some meds but they didn’t really help much.

    good luck with your treatment......

    i have heard others who have had good results with the Avastin so my fingers are crossed for you.

    please feel free to ask any questions.


  • Thank you so much for what you shared it was deeply moving it is so sad to hear the level of pain that so many of us women have gotten through you articulated so well.

    I have stage IVB ovarian cancer which is terminal unfortunately I was unable to utilize Avistain as I had some internal bleeding following a debulking surgery.

    I have struggled with significant nausea over the years since my diagnosis it fluctuates I've had a second recurrence and showing some signs and symptoms of the third occurrence fluid buildup steady climbing of the CA 125 numbers.

    I take a lot of courage from reading other women's experiences and their strength.
    I wish you the best of luck X Mary

  • Hi my name is Mary I also have stage IV ovarian cancer I myself have struggled with nausea significantly prior to chemotherapy and months following the cessation of chemotherapy.

    I am unclear if it's caused by anxiety but it always felt physical to me although having cancer has left me with high levels of anxiety to manage anyhow Hope this helps in a small way