The dreaded Itching has Started

  • 6 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Following on from my earlier post

I'm still awaiting a Haematology appointment and results of Jak2  and erythropoetin blood test, over a week now!

Two questions

Is it normal to be on an ordinary referral to Haematology for Polycythaemia Vera or should it be on the two week more urgent pathway?

I've been lucky not to have had itching as a symptom up to now but I've got a cold coming and a bit of a temperature, this seems to have brought on intense itching around my knees and hives the size of half crowns (anyone remember those?  Can't sleep.  Getting a bit of relief from aqueous cream but I've no antihistamine in the house

Is this how it usually manifests?

Many thanks

  • I have heard many MF suffers say that the itching was hard to take. Many had relief from Ruxolitinib or Claritin, an antihistamine. Myself, itching is one symptom I have been spared so far. Do hope you get relief soon.

  • Thanks Nagus. 

    I'll be queuing up at the chemist first thing in the morning 

  • Hi Lazy Polly, 

    I waited a month for a haematology appointment and 6 weeks for the Jak2 result before my PV was confirmed, that was last October/November and these past months have not been easy. Not had any itching yet but other symptoms have been grim at times in between meds starting and stopping. Now waiting on BMB results as to whether I have Myelofibrosis instead.
    Take care and do let us know how things are going 

  • Thank you for replying

    Yes. I'm ordinarily quite a chilled person but having some anxiety as my concerns don't seem to be matched by any sense of urgency by our local Haematology Dept

    It hasn't helped that when discussing this with friends the other week some one said "oh Carols been told she s got Polycythemia.  Thats what caused all her liver problems" ( Carol had a portal vein clot and nearly died.  She's been in hospital for weeks). 

    I'm not sure PV is as uncommon as suggested - maybe just undiagnosed. 

    Anyhow, the hives have settled down at least.  They were more or less better this morning. I've got antihistamine. 

  • BTW. I don't have a cold at all this morning so having a bit of an unexplained low grade fever is also worrying 

  • Hi

    I can totally empathise with you regarding the itchy skin. I have PV. My Jak2 gene is faulty. Have lived with PV for eleven years. Before I went on meds, I took 2 different antihistamines every day. The itching was only after a bath or shower to start with but then became constant 2 years ago so I had to take meds. 

    Hopefully you have a diagnosis now and are getting treatment. I got regular venesections for 9 years and this made such a difference to the itching for many years.

    Best wishes