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  • 26 subscribers

My Husband has Mylofibrosis. He has had the cancer for a number of years. He is now at the stage where his haemoglobin is very low and has to have blood transfusions every 2 weeks. For the last 2-3 months he has trouble eating normally and has lost alot of weight. Has anyone else experienced this problem.

  • Is your husband on any medication like Ruxolitinib?.  It helped me increase my appetite and energy

  • I was on Ruxolitinib and as Naugus says it does help, stopped a few weeks ago and I now know how it feels without it, but had 2 pints of blood on Monday so that has helped and feel much better with not as much fatigue. Had a BMB on Monday to see if I have Myelofibrosis instead of Polycythemia Vera so will see how that goes but the next few weeks will be a bit nerve racking until I get my results. Take care

  • Best wishes Jem1 with your BMB results but if your hemoglobin is so low that you need blood if may be MF. There is another inhibitor, Momolitinib, reputed not to lower the hemoglobin like Ruxolitinib does. My blood count was going down so doc reduced my dosage. I now take three 10mg every two days instead of four. That does appear to be helping. Always here for support

  • Thanks Naugus I will let you know how the results go