Walk of Light

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  • 22 subscribers

Hello.  Has anybody else signed up for the Walk of Light for Blood Cancer UK on 25 March?  My goal is to do 25k by the 25 March.  I’m not sure how other ET folk cope with the fatigue (I know some don’t struggle as much as others), but I can’t manage a lot more than 1k in any day. That probably sounds very feeble to many of you!! Anyway yesterday I went to the local shopping mall and it turned out I had walked 2.5km during my outing. I was so pleased.  However today my overall fatigue is terrible and my leg bones ache.  Still I hope to get out and about  to try and meet my challenge.  Please send me good vibes!  
By the way my blood results were fine last week, platelets down to 396 from 406 in November.  Will get my annual face to face consultation in May.  

Good wishes to you all.


  • Good for you Skaro,

    Fight is our best option but sorry to hear that you struggle. Good luck with your Walk. My first attempt to get into a clinical trial for Myleofibrosis with anemia came to naught. But I’m not giving up looking for one.
    “ Do not go gentle into that good night” Dylan Thomas.