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Hi, I have just been diagnosed with MPN and had a bone marrow biopsy three days ago to find out whether it is ET or PV. Just coming to terms with diagnosis. Am currently taking aspirin and very grateful for the NHS who acted quickly from the initial blood test which revealed high platelets. 

  • Hello Mrs E I know how you are feeling and In reading your message assume that you are feeling reasonably well.
    Two years ago As the result of high platelets noticed by GP, a Jak2 test, BMB I was diagnosed with MF stage three. For almost two years I took a baby aspirin. I became accustomed to my disease and as I was asymptotic, continued with life in “watch and wait” A few months ago my platelets took a dive in the other direction along with all the numbers and I now await the results of a second BMB ( for which I insisted to be out, and I was.) 
    I am breathless and often have low energy but I cannot complain. I likely will have a medication decision to think about very soon but I say to you Mrs E that every case if different even within the same MPN. My first reaction was “ I’m going to die “ well, I didn’t and I now feel that eating healthy food, critical, exercise I will continue living and will cope with this disease as it unfolds. For many people it is a slow progress. Good luck, keep your chin up we are always here for you.