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My partner was diagnosed with MDS a year ago. 
He had a leukaemia scare 10 years ago and after a bone marrow biopsy he was told he was ok. 
He also has COPD so he’s always been a little breathless but this last year has been the worst. 
after becoming increasingly tired he was sent for another bone marrow biopsy and found that he must have had MDS since the first biopsy. 
sunce then he has gone down hill rapidly. He now weighs 7stone 12 and looks so I’ll. He sleeps all the time and can’t walk far. He’s also been told he has pulmonary fibrosis. 
He spends all day every day in bed unless he has an appointment. He eats very little and is so weak. He says he’s had enough now. He doesn’t want to be here. How can I encourage him to carry on ? I’m desperate as I feel like I’ve lost the man I love already