Persistent dry cough

  • 15 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi, my husband was diagnosed with WM non Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2013. It was diagnosed after having a persistent dry cough for 6 months. He received  chemotherapy -Bendamustine and rituximab last year completing the course in December. He is now on a 2 year maintenance treatment -having rituximab every other month. He has been unwell since Christmas and had his first rituximab maintenance treatment delayed due to having a sore throat, sinus problems and persistent cough.  He has been on antibiotics 

for 2 months, but still he cannot shift the symptoms. Doctor does not seem bothered that he feels so awful. Husband is very worried that he has developed cancer elsewhere- with WM you do not have tumours. Has anybody had similar symptoms? Or been able to alleviate cough, sore throat etc. Any help would be gratefully received.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to johnr

    Hi John,  when I go out today, I will buy some buttery toffee definitely !   I get my regular medication from the hospital, but as the coughing was getting quite bad & when I blew my nose, quite often the fluid wasn't clear, nor was some of the mucous I brought up after a lot of coughing, which took me to my GP.

    My next chemo is Tuesday next week, so will mention it to the haematology team then, meanwhile, I will not waste money of cough mixture & suck toffee instead.   Thanks


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to johnr

    Hi johnr, while I was out yesterday I bought a bag of buttery toffee ~ they seem to work very well, I had about 5 during the evening whilst watch TV  & didn't cough as much, and my sleep was better.  Only had to eat one so far today !.    Thanks


  • pleased it helped, I used to use Thorntons toffee as we have an outlet near buy so its cheaper, Sainsbury's used to be ok to


    we all know this is a roller coaster ride, where we ride blind, never knowing where the highs and lows are
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to johnr

    I don't have a Thorntons or Sainsbury's near me, so got mine from Morrisons, they are becoming very addictive.  Not sure they are doing my cough a whole lot of good though.  Went for my 4th Chemo this morning & told them about the toffees, they had never heard of it ;o)

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