Intrathecal methotrexate

  • 14 replies
  • 19 subscribers


has anyone any advice to share on the course of intrathecal methotrexate given at the end of R-chop treatment please?

After my husband finishes his 6 courses of R-chop we were told he’d have 2 separate hospital stays of 4/5 days for this.

So far he’s had 2 sessions carried out in the haemotology unit but that’s only a couple of hours.

I’d be interested to hear from anyone that’s had this in hospital and what it involves.

Thank you 

  • Hi Andrea, that does make sense.

     I think it sounds like my husband will have the same sort of treatment that you did in hospital. I suppose I was just wondering what the difference is between what he’s had so far via the spinal fluid and what he will have in hospital. Your experience has helped me to understand what might happen.

     I know we can always ask but sometimes we do forget, have other more immediate questions or my husband wants to get out of there as quickly as possible!

  • He has a wonderful, caring spouse, too. As to chemo, I have had now 21 anti-cancer drugs, virtually all given at max doses, as my diagnoses became quite complicated. At the end, I had three simultaneous cancers (two T-Cell Lymphomas as well as a marrow cancer). At this point, I am delighted to be anywhere at all. So, chin up!

    One cancer (PTCL-NOS) 3 times. Two other cancers: Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma 2 times, and 20q deletion MyeloDysplastic Syndrome) were chemo refractory. All three cancers simultaneously in 2015. Stage IV twice + MDS @ 23% of marrow. 12/22 diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Thus far, 14+ years, 20 drugs, 4 clinical trials, Total Body Irradiation, 1,000+ years of background radiation from scans. 7th remission so far. Haploidentical stem cell transplant, acute > chronic Graft-versus-Host-disease. Currently receiving my 7th GvHD regimen.

  • Goodness me,

    that is a lot for you to have dealt with be dealing with still.

    The fact you are able to give advice and positive messages to forum members means so much.

    Wishing you all the best

  • You are very kind. Except for actually succumbing to the diseases, I am pretty much a worst case scenario. Yet, here I am. My hematologist is an atheist, but called my recovery a miracle. So, I have new purpose.  

    One cancer (PTCL-NOS) 3 times. Two other cancers: Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma 2 times, and 20q deletion MyeloDysplastic Syndrome) were chemo refractory. All three cancers simultaneously in 2015. Stage IV twice + MDS @ 23% of marrow. 12/22 diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Thus far, 14+ years, 20 drugs, 4 clinical trials, Total Body Irradiation, 1,000+ years of background radiation from scans. 7th remission so far. Haploidentical stem cell transplant, acute > chronic Graft-versus-Host-disease. Currently receiving my 7th GvHD regimen.