Wife's Diagnosis

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  • 16 subscribers

Hello all.  I am new here and somewhat awkward as I was once a cancer patient and now my precious wife of 38 blessed years has NEC of terminal ileum, mesenteric lymph nodes, and liver mets.  She had surgery December 17 to remove part of the affected GI tract, lymph nodes and as many of the liver tumors as possible. Pathology came back with Grade 2 well differentiated NET Ki67 labeling index, and she is now under the care of a specialized NEC team.  She will be starting Octreotide treatments in March for 3 months and if no progress she will rfeceive Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy. We also learned that 2 of the tumors on her Liver have grown by about 1-2MM and she will need Microwave ablation and they also discovered a 2.1 CM lesion on her pancreas tail that she will be having biopsied in April.  Her doctor is certain it is also NEC.  Needless to say this has been quite nerve wracking. Thank you for welcoming us into the group.

  • Update, yesterday, my wife went in for consult with the interventional radiologist for the 2 tumors found to have grown on the liver of which, the radiologist did an ultrasound with contrast of the area and found two more tumors of concern. She will going in for image guided liver ablation ASAP. Per the report "scheduled accordingly with general anesthesia given the multiplicity of the lesions". These new growths are after having over 50 lesions removed just 2 months prior. Is this unusual for new growths noticed so quickly given they are grade 2? Thank you for any help. Very new and I admit, very concerned with this.