Hi I had net tumours in the small intestines 9 months ago.

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  • 17 subscribers

Hi I had net tumours in the small intestines.   I had a right hemi colonectomy (sorry about the spelling) to remove them.  It feels like it’s taken forever to recover from the surgery and get my energy back.  Since Christmas I seem to be struggling with a bit of anxiety and getting worried and stressed about stuff that I wouldn’t before.  Just wondered if anyone else had this or if it’s not connected to the operation at all. 

  • Hello  

    I am Brian one of the Community Champions here at Macmillan. I have just noticed your post has gone unanswered. I can't answer it myself as I have a different cancer, however by me replying your post will be "bumped up" to the top of the page and I hope seen and replied to by other members of the Neuroendocrine group.

    Anxiety is common amongst people with a cancer diagnosis - I hope you don't mind bur here's a few ideas:

    * Do you have a "Maggie's" near you . This is a cancer support charity where you can just drop in and have a brew and chat - link here - Maggie's.

    * There's Anxiety UK - They have a support line on 0344 477 5774 and www.anxiety.org.uk.

    * There's our Support Line on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days) where you can get some great help and support for anxiety.

    I do hope the above help and you start to feel better .

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.