Hello I am new i the group

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  • 19 subscribers
  1. Good morning recently I have been diagnosed with colon cancer in the cecum.

I am fortunate it has not spread so its localised to that area.  I am 74 years old wi have surgery to remove so they are doing a right hemicolectomy in 2 weeks.

I have always been a very positive person and I have had cancer 22 years ago but was breast cancer and early stages but I still needed chemo and have been fine ever since.

My concerns is I have had 3 C sections with my children so there is probably a lot of scsr tissue inside as the scar is from my belly down.

The doctor looked at it and is going to.do a keyhole type if surgery but if he has problems while doing he will turn to open surgery. 

I sm a bit nervous about the surgery because of this and because of risks that can happen although doctor said its rare but he had to make mr aware of it.

I will.not need a bag so I am thankful about that. 

I just would like to know if anyone had similar experience here and how was your surgery.   I am positive but I am now nearly 75 and not as healthy as when I had breast cancer at 52 and this seems to be a bigger and more complex surgery.   Thank you for taking the time to read my story 

  • Hi  

    May I also suggest that you join the bowel cancer group and copy your post there? There are many people who have had this surgery in that group and you are likely to get some useful experiences shared there in addition to replies you might get in this group. 

    This link will take you to the group

    Bowel, Colon, Rectal Cancer Forum

    I’ve had a different type of surgery myself, but am a member of the bowel group due to having my rectum removed, amongst other things. The members there are very helpful. I wish you well with your surgery, and hope you can get some reassurance from the bowel group.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

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