My experience with my mum

  • 2 replies
  • 17 subscribers


I’ve just joined today.

my mum was diagnosed with liver tumour e of of October but was told that was the secondary cancer and they needed to find the primary,

at beginning of December I had a phone call to there was a surgeon in London who could operate on that.

still doing lots of scans and bloods.

we then received a letter for an appointment on 23rd jan 2023

i took her to her appointment and he asked lots of questions and made her walk about 

mentioned her weight as she was only 6stone, probably about 7.5 stone before she was ill 

then went on to tell us her cancer was untreatable and only had months to live.

she died 3 wks later

im still in shock and disbelief, she was 81 but pretty fit for her age and had more energy than most of the time

ive lost my best friend as well as my mum,we done everything together 

my dad died 10 yrs ago and we got through it together 

I now feel like I have no one.

the last week of mums life was awful and I’m glad she’s at peace and not suffering now.

reading how some people seeked for second opinions I wish we had :(


  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm so sorry to read that you've recently lost your mum, and so soon after her diagnosis.

    As you know, the online community is divided up into different support groups so I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you join the bereaved family and friends group where you can share your feelings and give and receive support.

    If this is something that you'd like to do, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. You can then join and start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.

    Sending virtual (((hugs)))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you.

    I am hoping this may help me get through this horrendous time

    I don’t really have anyone as my mum was my everything 

    My partner shows me no support at all Disappointedall I want to do is talk to my mum