multiple myeloma diagnosis - not come to terms with it, anyone want to talk?

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was diagnosed in march started treatment in april still not come to terms with it just yet just living my life as i should be at the moment anyone like to talk 

  • Hi my name is Mal , I was diagnosed in Sept23 after breaking my back the previous February.Me and my wife have been through an awful lot since .6 months of chemo then a stem cell transplant in June.My results have come back negative , no trace , which is great news.I am fatigued alot but have just started a 12 month course of immuneatherapy.I am telling you this so that you know you are not alone and although its daunting and emotionally draining , there is a great deal that can be done for you , so keep smiling and yry tp live happy , Mal

  • Hi. I do feel that we have to deal with MM both physically and mentally. The diagnosis can be a traumatic thing to deal with.

    Personally, I was both physically and mentally out of it for the first few months after diagnosis in 2022. My son was brutally honest, telling me that I was feeling sorry for myself. That helped to snap me out of it.

    Currently I am in remission, enjoying life but taking life one day at a time.

    MM is always hanging over my head but I choose to get on with family life, work etc.