Myeloma diagnosis

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  • 50 subscribers

Hi everyone. Thc here. Aka Teresa.

I just wanted to catch up with you all and thank you all for the support you give. I am still playing the waiting game which is very frustrating.

I have spent a couple of nights in hospital because of back pain but nothing showed up. As I had Polio as a baby this does not help with working out where my pain is coming from and what the reason is, polio or cancer.

I ended up having tests for Bowel cancer as my Dad and my grandma both suffered from this. All tests came back clear thank goodness. I now feel paranoid as every pain, lump or bruise I get panics me. 

Is all this fear normal or am I losing my mind. 

Hope all fellow sufferers are doing well. Just needed to get all this off my chest. Cannot sleep sometimes as my brain will not let me settle. 

Thanks again to you all. X