Smouldering Myeloma

  • 11 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi all. Recently diagnosed and feeling very confused.

Told I will need treatment but not yet.

Feel like a fraud. Told close family I have cancer in my bone Marrow but then don't need treatment???

Am I ill or not???

My back is bad but MRI scan didn't show much.

Bone Marrow biopsy said 20% Myeloma in my Marrow. 

Sooo confused. 

Can anyone help me process this. 

  • I was diagnosed  by blood test way back in April 2021 and after bone marrow biopsy confirmed I was Stage 1 but had no lesions and no treatment required.  I have had MRI & CT scans & regular blood tests followed by check ups - still smouldering apparently because blood tests show I’m not at levels requiring treatment!  Like you, I feel a bit of a fraud on days when I feel good, but then I have the odd day when I’m feeling very fatigued and it’s difficult to walk without a stick.  So every time I get close to the next blood test & check up, I wonder if the time for treatment is getting closer. I get quite anxious and then feel grateful that I have had over 3 years reprieve!! especially when I read other posts from people who are receiving so many treatments and are in so much pain.  So……onwards & upwards whilst I can!!