Pleural Mesothelioma FIL

  • 5 replies
  • 21 subscribers

My father in law who is 86 years old has been diognosed with Pleural Mesothelioma, they have said treatment isnt an option as he is too frail for it, he also has some dementia which doesnt help. He has had his lung drained every few month, so now they are saying it would be better to have a permanent drain in, which we agree with. They have also said he has 6-12 months to live and is now palliative care, but im confused how would they know how long he has if we dont have a "cancer stage". 

He has a shadow on his back (in the spine) and has an enlarged prostrate, so has a permanent catherter in, both of which could both possibly be cancer but we all agreed investigating all this would be too much on his body at this stage. They advised us to look into respite and hospice care and have been extremly helpful with this. I'm just confused what they base a time limit of 6-12 months on ! Its all so confusing and scary for all of us involved.. In some respects it lucky my FIL doesnt understand his diagnoses and its frightening enough for us. 

  • Hi, I was diagnosed 1st Dec last year and told 6-12 months and after initial shock spent 2/3 days myself. But at the same time heard from a few people that the had a relative had it and lasted a lot longer. I spoke to hospital again and they explained that that was a national average they quote so include everybody, very fit to 100 years old with half a dozen other ailments. I don’t know what will be your father in laws position, hopefully good but it’s an explanation.

  • Thank you for your reply x

  • I am sorry to hear that your father in law has been diagnosed with mesothelioma my husband also was diagnosed with mesothelioma in  August 2023 and passed in October 2023  he went down hill fast he went in the hospital October 2 nd  because he had trouble breathing was put on oxygen  and they drained his lungs and a few days later they put the drainage in to stay he was in a lot of pain couldn’t get out of bed it was so dam hard to watch him suffer .I miss him every day but he is not suffering anymore he was only 67 years old. I pray for your father in law and the family sending you love and hugs. 

  • Thank you for your reply. I wish you the best xxx

  • Thank you , I'm so sorry to read that your husband suffered so much and so quickly after diognosis. The problem with this type of cancer is that its been gradually progressing over 20 to 30 years ,then it gets to the stage we are at. Your husband was so young, I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for you all, my heart goes out to you. He is out of pain now, may he rest in peace. xxx