Mesothelioma diagnosed

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  • 20 subscribers

My husband has been recently diagnosed with Mesothelioma,he is currently on immunotherapy,about to have his 3rd treatment.He is tired,sleepy and in pain.His Morphine has been upped again, How long before we know if the treatment is working , his breathing is better since being drained , but I do not see any other positives is it too early to tell 

  • Hi Kidsangel 

    My husband was diagnosed in June 2023 - he had immunotherapy and on initial scans there was some shrinkage, unfortunately the treatment caused him to have severe colitis & after 9 sessions was stopped due to side effects & the cancer growing.  He has since had chemotherapy Pemetrexed with Carboplatin he has had bad side effects from this too - his treatment seems to cause him more problems than the actual cancer.

    Everyone is different though & your husband may have amazing results, the only way you will know how it is going will probably be after his next CT scan.

    I truly hope it does work for him. 

    Sending our very best wishes & will keep our fingers crossed for him Fingers crossedFingers crossed

  • Hi Wardyboy, I really hope this offer of another treatment works for your husband ,that he is in a much better place with out too much pain and suffering.Thinking of you both through these tough times .I hope you are both getting all the help and support you need .

    My husbands cancer has spread which has caused other problems,not giving a great quality of life .He has a full body scan at the end of October,so will know more then.

    But hospital , palliative care etc have all been very good and supportive.

    Thankyou for your response, there are times when you feel so alone .

    I wish you both all the best, take great care