Hello, I’ve just joined this group hoping to get some help on support for my Dad and mum.
My dad was diagnosed with Epitheliod Mesothelioma in sept 2022. They said that they wouldn’t operate as it was too close to his heart. He started Immunotherapy in the February 2023. Which worked for awhile but then he started to suffer with his eyesight and hands. They found that it had spread to his brain and now to his spine. He’s had 2 sessions of chemotherapy but has been so ill throughout. Not eating, drinking. Not wanting to get up or do anything and has been very tearful. Yesterday we were told by the consultant over the phone that the chemotherapy was working and that there was nothing else they could offer him. They’ve asked for him to go and see them next Thursday and that has been it. They’ve just been left with that news and no offer at f support or what we can do.
so I’ve been looking for ways I can help them. As I know they are both going to need support.
I also have a 12&10 year old who I have no clue how to tell them that their Grandad is going to die.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated Thank You
Hello Treenflower
Sorry to hear about what your dad is going through and the impact it has on the wider family. No experience of Mesothelioma ourselves as my wife's cancer is very different - Leiomyosarcoma.
One thing some on here find helpful is looking at is Your feelings when someone has cancer as often to be the best help possible we need to recognize our own emotions, sometimes people talk about it like fitting your own oxygen mask first.
For your children you might like to look at our pages on Talking to children and teenagers and a book we found quite useful was the Secret C by Julia Stokes. We were very open with our son's school too and they were very helpful in making sure he got the same answers for all trusted adults.
Hello SRC60
Thank you so much for replying to me and your advice. I’m so sorry to hear about your wife.
This disease however it comes is so cruel.
One of the hardest things is seeing my children’s faces when they see their grandad and knowing that soon I will have to explain to them what is happening now.
Thanks again and take care of yourself
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