Weight gain tips with immunotherapy

  • 4 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi all, 

Newbie joining the group. 

My Dad was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in October 21. He has gone through 2x Vax procedures and had a huge operation removing 2/3rds of his left lung, the heart lining and the diaphragm lining at St Bart’s. 

He has been having immunotherapy (every 3 weeks) since August. He has lost so much weight and looks dangerously slim.

He is really struggling to eat as he feels it gets stuck going down and has phlegm which also puts him of eating. He is also short of breath even getting up to go into another room.

Any suggestions re diet, weight gain and general tips to build morale would be greatly appreciated.

He spends most of the day in bed or on the sofa under heated blankets. He has always been so active so mentally he is struggling as well as my mum too, she’s off work looking after him.  Would be good to be able to help them both feel more supported. 

  • My husband drank the protein shakes  puddings mashed potatoes 

  • Thank you. Good idea with the mash potato, he tried the protein shakes but struggles with them so will definitely give the mash potato a go. 

  • Hopefully he will be able to eat  some my prayers are with him and you and your family it is such a horrible cancer I lost my husband in October  and miss him terribly. But know that he is  not suffering anymore. Hugs to you 

  • Hello, my husband has immunotherapy every 2 weeks, they give him a anti sickness fluid before hand intravenously which keeps

    his appetite up.  He’s eating so much …. Fatty food too and is keeping his weight stable.  He eats whatever he feels like, if all he wants is a trifle for dinner then

    that is what he has ….. if he wants a large meal then that is fine too…must try to be positive.

    interesting though, they would not operate on my husband, the doctors we spoke with seemed negative towards this operation. Maybe my husbands cancer was more difficult to remove, good news is he has had 14 treatments on immunotherapy and is doing great …..