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My dads 79 and was in relatively good health. He was over in holiday for a few weeks taking care of his older brother. When my husband and I went over at the end of August to bring him back, we noticed his breathing a bit faster. When we asked he said he'd been a bit short of breath in the last couple of weeks thought it was due to my uncle's smoking. When we came home I took him to the GP and following a chest xray was found to have fluid in the lung. We still believed it was infection and nothing else as my dad was otherwise well. But a CT showed 2 spots in the lining of his left lung which further biopsy showed a fast growing mesothelioma. My dad worked in the building trade for over 40 yrs and now this has happened. My dad was initially put forward for chemotherapy but when we met with the oncologist we had read about immunotherapy and asked if this was an option. He reviewed his results and as my dad had no other medical history they agreed they would offer it as an option. My dad decided on immunotherapy and had his first session yesterday.  He's very tired today but he's been getting increasingly tired over the last few weeks. His moods really low. My dad is such a lovely, quiet caring and thoughtful man but this disease is already changing him and i for for whats ahead. My mum died 8 yrs ago and apart from my wonderful husband who is so close to my dad, I'm on my own.  I hate what's happening to him. We're just praying the immunotherapy helps but don't know too much about it. 

  • I’m the same Bey, I’m ok one minute then can be so teary …. Heartbreaking. I’ve cried so much 

  • I'm really sorry to hear that. You feel like your on high alert all the time fearing the worst and hoping for the best. Try and positive and make this a special Christmas for you both

  • I'm so sorry to hear that, you have a lot on your plate and its hard being the strong one all the time. It is as you say an emotional roller coaster. I went in to buy a Christmas card for my dad yesterday and started crying as I fear this might be my last Christmas with him....its just so heartbreaking 

  • Thankyou,I feel exactly the same can’t think about Xmas at the moment,to frightened to even plan anything.

  • Thankyou same to you also x

  • Hi, I was just wondering how your dad was doing, is he still on immunotherapy? Hope all is ok 

  • Thank you for asking. Unfortunately we went to the oncologist on my 50th birthday to be told the immunotherapy had not worked and the cancer was spreading. My dad got a permanent chest drain fitted and has been getting this drained 3 times a week which has kept him comfortable.  His mood is still very low and he developed a cough about 4 weeks ago which is taking is really exhaling him, we're trying to get hold of the nurses to ask if this is him declining or if we should be doing something else...we're just so anxious about everything.....sorry a long answer for your question 

  • 2 days ago we had sad news that the cancer had grown, he only finished chemo in October and it shrink lots so i was  so shocked. Our NHS consultant has recommended we now go private sooner rather than later to get access to dual immunotherapy, 2 drugs as opposed to 1 on the NHS.

    we see Dr Mansy hopefully on Tuesday…. So stressed 

    my husband  has a cough, it is the cancer the doctor says putting pressure on 

  • I am so..sorry to hear that. You have to try everything. My dad was offered chemotherapy after they said the immunotherapy didn't work but they didn't recommend it as it would be harsher on him and as the cancer is advancing, we should consider quality over quantity.. My dad managed well with the immunotherapy. The only side effect he had was occasional loose bowel motions, so hopefully your husband will find it better than the chemotherapy. Everyone is different and there journey is different, so hopefully your husband will benefit from the immunotherapy.

    My fear is that the cough is the cancer progressing and not a fluid build up as its been constant for a few weeks. It's just so hard listening to him and not being able to help. 

    I'm not sure at what point do Marie Curie get involved with the care. I don't know if we contact them or the GP? Can anyone advise?

  • Hello,

    maybe give your GP a call tomorrow. My husband has a slight cough, not so bad but it is the cancer. There is no fluid.  At night the breathing changes too, sleep apnea ? I think ….

    we will of course try the immunotherapy……