Mesothelioma diagnosis and treatment

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  • 22 subscribers

Hello, I am new to this forum. I have been meaning to go online and chat for ages but.  I have been putting it off. I don't know why. Perhaps I'm still in denial, after several years.

I was frightened when I read a leaflet about Mesothelioma and the first sentence was so scary it has stuck in my brain. For those who haven't read any info - don't!

I was diagnosed five years ago, when they gave me 18 months. I had a tube inserted for Pleural Effusion and had a course of chemo which has left me with Peripheral Neuropathy but halted the cancer. They removed the tube and the effusion cleared up. But the cancer has reappeared and is in more sites.  I am now on a course of Immunotherapy every two weeks. I am feeling fine, I have more energy than I did with chemo, and fewer side effects. Hopefully I will continue to improve.

What frightens me is what happens when the treatment fails. 

I need reassurance, please.

Rose Anne

  • Hi Rose Anne

    my husbands next treatment too will be immunotherapy provided he can have it, he has just finished 6 rounds of chemo, scan on Monday…… the way we look at it is, medicine is moving forward constantly, there are new trials, immunotherapy can make the cancer stable, so we are being positive and thinking take each step at a time.  If immunotherapy gives us a few more years then there may well be another drug/option.  Of course it is frightening, we are trying to live for the moment as worrying about what if or when will only put a cloud over us, and us thinking what if/when will not control the cancer, or make the situation any better. No one knows what is around the corner, everyone will go sometime, we try ti put it to the back of our minds and enjoy the life we have now.