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I don't know whether anyone can help me but am posting anyway.

Dad died 6 weeks after diagnosis. We are confused as to why the doctors said thar Mesothelioma caused his death when the cancer had not spread to any other organs beyond his lungs. He had a post mortem but the report will apparently take months.  I am posting to see if anyone else has experince of a loved one dying from Meso when the disease had not spread.  TIA x

  • So sorry for your loss I lost my husband to mesothelioma October 22 nd  3 months after being diagnosed his lung was so bad he had oxygen 24/7 and had a drain in the lung he also had blood clot in his lung. It is a horrible cancer I really hope you can find some peace knowing that your dad did not suffer to long. Sending you and your family condolences and prayers