Dad - coming to the end?

  • 5 replies
  • 12 subscribers

I last posted here three years ago when my dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma.

He decided to stop treatment late last year because it wasn't working and he wanted to enjoy the time he had left. 

I saw him just before lockdown. He was in a little pain and a bit breathless, but was able to drive, walk the dog and so on.  His pain relief is delivered by his local hospice who have been grand. 

I saw him last week and the change shocked me. He's barely eating and has lost a lot of weight. His skin is yellowish. 

He's not in pain but it's clear talking exhausts him because he's so breathless. And he gets really confused, especially when talking about people visiting. I've been told he's got hypercalcaemia but they're going to treat it soon.

I'm so scared. I don't want him to die, bit mostly o don't want him to suffer any more. I don't know how long he has left. 

  • FormerMember

    I’m so sorry. I am not at that stage yet with my mum but don’t know how long we have until it sets hold. I hope your dad gets all the support he needs and that you have that too. 
    Thoughts and strength x

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry that you're going through this.  My Dadcwas diagnosed last year and responded well to the first chemo round. He was recommended immunotherapy and was waiting for compensation to start after lockdiwn. 

    Unfortunately it has spread and has caused superior vena cava obstruction, which was treated with stent.  He is suffering swelling and breathlessness still and had another scan today to see if the stent had moved or was blocked.  Awaiting results. In the meantime, his immunotherapy has been delayed 

    It is heartbreaking to see him so ill. He spoke yesterday about where all of his financial stuff was in case he didn't make it to treatment  I hope that they can get this sorted so that he is well enough to start immunotherapy. My in absolute bits.

  • FormerMember
    1. Hi, I hope you don't mind me messaging you. I just came across this post and it is so similar to my own fathers situation at the minute. Was your father coming to the end, or is he still with you?  My father is so low at the minute. He is just fading away in front of us but we don't know how long he has. I don't want him to die, yet seeing him like this is heartbreaking and I don't want him to suffer for too long.  Big hugs to you x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello. Im sorry you're going through something similar.  Mesothelioma is merciless in its progression.  When I posted, we were waiting for my Dad's swelling to go down so that he could start immunotherapy.  However, this was not to be. He developed pneumonia,  which he seemed to recover from - enough to come home and keep our hopes up - but was rushed back into hospital 2 days after his release. He passed away within 24 hours. This was August. Looking back, the last 2 months of his life seemed to go in slow motion to the point that we never noticed little signs that he was dying. He never wanted to know how long he had left. In the end, he went peacefully and for that we are grateful but his loss is still so raw.

    I dont know what treatment your Dad is receiving but for us, the swelling, the slow loss of appetite and the increased breathless all happened in his last 4-8 weeks, yet we still hoped he would make it to the immunotherapy. Had he been able to finish his final course of chemo, the outlook may have been different. 

    Please do get in touch again if you would like to chat. I feel your pain.

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    1. Thank you so much for replying. Daddy is meant to be starting chemo sometime this month, but I don't believe he is fit for it at all and could actually make him worse, if that's possible at this stage.  It's such a brutal illness and so hard to watch a once strong and full of life person literally fade away. We lost my mother last year to Ovarian cancer, so I can see small signs that he is slipping from us. I think I just want him to go as peacefully as possible.. We have the macmillan nurse calling this week, so maybe she can help us too. again, thank you for replying as I know it must be so difficult to go over it again. And I'm so sorry for your loss xxx