Immunotherapy GcMAF

  • 12 replies
  • 15 subscribers

My dad was just diagnosed with mesothelioma  Does anybody have any experience with these types of treatments? 

They have some pretty inspiring results  Even from a family friend that had success in Mexico. Anything would help  


  • Hi Hurricain, I am popping in here from the melanoma group as I’m a champ and noticed you hadn’t had a reply yet. I’m hoping that my response bumps you back up to the top and that someone from this group responds. I goggled mesothelioma treatment as I have a different cancer and came across this clinical trial on the Cancer research site. I thought / hoped it might be of interest as I had immunotherapy Pembrolizumab for a year a year ago, I am currently having clear scans after this treatment after a spread of melanoma to my lymph nodes and ovary. I hope someone with the right 3xperience comes forward for you.

    Best wishes 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember


    My husband was diagnosed in October. He had three rounds of chemo and was then switched to immunotherapy as they found some cancer on his liver. He has had 2 infusions and will have a scan after 4.So wedon't yet know if its working. The disease and chemo has weakened him so my task is  to get him the best nutrition I can and encourage gentle exercise.

    Good luck for your Dad.!

    Please keep us updated on his progress

  • FormerMember

    Hi hurricain,

    My husband has been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma in July last year and  had 6 Chemos since then.

    He has undergone HIPEC surgery in January this year

    and there are no malignant cells at the moment .

    He has to go for his next scan  in June and we are all hoping for the best.

    The doctors suggested immunotherapy asap but we would like to get some more Information about it before we go ahead with it.

    All the best!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Thank you so much KT! I have a good friend who did immunotherapy using GcMAF after conventional medicine told her to just go home and prepare for death. She had adenocarcinoma stage 4 and is now one year with no cancer markers  

  • FormerMember

    My husband is in his 4th year of fighting epitheloid mesothelioma.  He has had 2 rounds of chemo and is doing an immunotherapy trial now.  Can't say if it is working until after his scan next week, will get back to you.

  • Hi. My Dad has had 4 bouts of chemo (cis\pem) and he had some really good shrinkage and is now coming to the end of his 8-week treatment-free stage. In that time we have been away for a long weekend which was amazing. He's just waiting for a scan now to see what is what. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Electricsaint

    That's really good news! I do hope he keeps on progressing.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    The immunothreapy trial did shrink my husband's tumors all the way down, unfortunately then there was a massive inflammatory response so stopped trial. Doctor did chemo and it did damage to him as he should have recovered more first.  I am sorry to say he didn't survive, but his death was peaceful and not painful. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry to read your husband passed away.

    i keep reading posts hoping to read something to give us hope of something to try. 

    i think if Dad not fit enough for chemo his alternative is managing pain relief.

    the speed of deterioration is scary. 

  • Hi H

    thanks for the post - can you provide some more info on your friends treatment and how they went about getting GcMAF i have T3 N2 M0 on second dose of FLOT and my brother sent me a post on Gc MAF which looks a better route than chemo - my Dad had the same thing at the same age and I am looking at alternatives now to avoid surgery if possible and more chemo which just seems to knock everything for 6 with no guarantee it works as we are all different

