My dad has weeks to live with mesothelioma

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  • 15 subscribers

Hi I've recently got back in touch with my dad after years of losing touch,. He has been diagnosed with mesothelioma he's 77 years old and was a electrician for years. He was given a small dose of immunotherapy in December but he is confused and doesn't remember much and has had bad mood signs and confusion. he's consultant has said no more treatment there's nothing they can do now.  He has mri yesterday and awaiting results today, hes awake and confused still today. What is there i ned to know? 

  • Hello OwlBlue83

    Welcome to the Online Community.

    I am really sorry to hear of your Dad's diagnosis of mesothelioma and it must be a very difficult time for you. 

    Hopefully you will have spoken to the consultant regarding his MRI results now and what will happen next. 

    There is some information here that may help. There is some information about mesothelioma and how to get further support from Macmillan. 

    Mesothelioma | Macmillan Cancer Support

    Palliative care for people living with cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support

    We also have another forum that may be worth looking at as it is for people who are supporting someone with cancer that is incurable. It may be helpful to share experiences with others who are in similar circumstances. Sometimes it can help just to have a look at previous posts. 

    Supporting someone with incurable cancer forum | Macmillan Online Community

    This is understandably a difficult time for you and it is important that you also have support for yourself. if you feel talking things through would help, then please do consider giving the support line a call. They are there from 8am -8pm daily. They can also have a look and see what support may be available for you in your local area. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm