My best mate, my Dad.

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  • 11 subscribers

Hello everyone. Thanks for reading...

Unfortunately, I am here to tell of my Dad's likely diagnosis of Mesothelioma.

After suffering chest pain in Feb '20 (originally thought Covid), Dad suffered a heart attack in May and had a stent fitted in June. During x-rays & scans when submitted to hosp, fluid on the left lung was discovered. The fluid was drained and Dad was told it was not cancerous, A subsequent PET scan was arranged and the results showed likely Meso on his left lung with the Doc describing it as advanced.

Apparently, Dad cannot have a biopsy until 3 months after having a stent fitted which gives us an anxious wait until mid-Sept and valuable time lost in terms of treating the disease.

Can anyone advise of any routes to take over the coming 6 weeks whilst we await the biopsy? Should we be searching for a specialist Mesothelioma oncologist for Dad to be under the care of? 'Legally', we have started a claim with Thompsons solicitors and applied for benefits so hopefully, we can have some options other than NHS if the worst is confirmed.

Dad was born in 1947. Worked at Scunthorpe steelworks between 1964-1974 which is where he would have been exposed to asbestos. At the moment he is doing fairly well aside from this cough and feeling more fatigued in the afternoon into the evening. Obviously, he is also worried which is affecting his sleep/appetite/weight.

I appreciate most people here are somehow affected by cancer and it's reassuring there are communities like this to help us all along this stricken path. If anyone is willing to offer advice or tell of their experiences in similar situations, then i would be extremely grateful.
