Immunotherapy next?

  • 3 replies
  • 11 subscribers


feeling very unsure of our next steps right now - Virus hasn’t helped. My mum diagnoses just over a year ago has had a set of six chemo treatments as part of the Mars 2 trial. Scan back in January showed cancer was stable and still relatively small. 
She has had nothing since, postponed her scan for fears of the virus. However, we can’t keep postponing so need to think of the next plan. 
What are the next steps/next type of treatments given? My mum is interested in immunotherapy - still waiting for insurance claim to come through though and not sure when trials are starting. 
Also how have people found the immunotherapy treatments and has anyone had positive results from it. We are in the South West of England.

Any advice or experiences from you all would be very much appreciated as feel lost in knowing how best to move forward.

thank you 

R x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to fatbouypne2

    Thank you - positive reading on your thread. 
    long may it continue for you 

  • Thankyou for your inspiring post.

    My Husband Sid was diagnosed in Jan 19  our local hospital said 'watch and wait' but that wasn't a option for us. 

    We found an association called Messy here in west Yorkshire it is run by a mesothelioma nurse specialist called Simon Bolton.

    Simon told us about the Mars 2 trial  and in may19 we travelled to Sheffield and began treatment....Radical surgery and six rounds of chemo and traveling  back and forth  plus staying in a hotel was no picnic.  Sid has his last chemo and scan in Feb 2020. Three weeks later the oncologist rang and gave us the bad new that the cancer had grown. 

    We have been referred back to local hospital and once again had consultation via phone and although sympathetic the oncologist only offered palliative care but did say we could seek second opinion.