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hi all not very at things like this but. i am looking for anyone that could help 

My dad was diagnosed in june with pleural mesothelioma and has stared chemo in august i think he has 4 lots so far and 2 blood transfusions has his blood been so low in  magnesium , but he is in the MARS 2 trial and been offered the  extend pleurectomy decortication operation but is really worried about it he is struggling alot at the moment but still managing to get out and do things but would  like to talk to other people that has the operation  to see how they felt about what you went through and how you coped and how long b4 you could get back to going out ,he dont like to sit still ,he dont know weather it would benefit him or should he just carry on with the chemo if its going to make him worse ....its so hard watching him go through this  i just want to help him find someone to talk too thats been through the operation ..

many thanks kim 

  • Many Mesowarriors have had this Op and do well. Eric Lim or David Waller carry it out and patients do need good pain killers but they cope well and are soon up and bout again. 

    Eric Lin wrote a good article about it and he is thrilled with the results

    Good luck to your Dad xx Mavis Nye 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kim 

      My husband has also been offered the mars 2 trial he goes in on Sunday op on Monday. Do you know when your dad is having his op? I can keep u posted on how he he is after the op if u like so u can have some idea how your dad will be. We are all really relieved that my husband has been offered this op as he has been really bad especially this week. He was diagnosed in August and has had two lots of chemo with 4 to come after the op. He too hates to be stuck in and we have been trying to get out most days but it's difficult when he's so bad. He's only 51 and was always so active so it's so hard for him.

    Love to you and yours 

    Karen x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kim,

    My mum was diagnosed with epitheliod plural meso in June, had the P/D privately in July. It is a major operation, one that my mum wasn't entirely prepared for. She's very, very active. 62, self-employed, always on the go. The op was tough - I'm not going to lie. There were a few minor complications post-op, her heart was a bit erratic (it happens), her bloods were a little iffy and needed a couple of blood transfusions (it's common). 

    The pain was well managed with meds (she's still on painkillers now) though you've got to be prepared to get used to the side effects they cause (i.e constipation). 

    There were times that it felt as though she'd never get better. But at 9 weeks she turned a corner and she was back to working, clothes shopping, going out for meals... there was a light at the end of the tunnel! She's continued to heal from the op (a thoracotomy in itself takes 3 - 18 months to get over) and get stronger. The biggest issues post-op were pain, fatigue and muscle weakness but only time can make that better. 

    A massive improvement - removing her plura also means no more plural effusions - so that horrid cough is gone!

    It is really important to remember that everyone is different. I'll ask a very lovely chap, Keith, if he'll give you his experiences. 

    Any questions, I'm happy to answer. 

    Lauren x

  • Dad has said yes to the MARS 2 Trial on Wednesday after a meeting with Mr John Edwards at the Sheffield General Hospital. We had some positives and some negatives in that the tumor is “bulky” but Mr Edwards could operate but it’s very board line at the moment. So, it will all depend on his scan after the two cycles of chemo on whether he gets put into the computer to be selected at random. However, he is in the MARS2 trial and we now have told him to just concentrate on the chemo which hopefully has a positive impact on the meso. 


  • Hi Andy nice to meet you here as well as Face Book 

    Good Luck to dad hope the scan allows an Op 


  • Hi Mavis

    As you can see i'm searching hi and low for information and people in the same situation. No matter where I look you seem to be there lol :-) :-) :-)!!!


  • You need to get all the info together its how I have worked all these years. xxx and no you cant hide from me xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi karen 

    sorry to hear about your husband its such a horrible thing ... i hope all goes on well with op on monday for him no my dad has not got a date yet but would really like to hear how your husband gets on with his op and how he recovery's after the op ...

    the thought of the operation is stressing us out more because at the moment he can still do most things at his pace but we are worried that after the op he might  go quicker down hill with not being to get out  and trying to find someone thats had the op to talk to it about is hard 

    just makes me feel so dam useless 

    Kim x x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi lauren 

    thank you so much for getting in touch mean a lot to me we are all finding it very hard to deal with ..i am so glad everything went well for your mum and she is getting back to going out , 

    my dad was given 6 to 12 months in june and is wondering if the op will be any good for him and is it worth be in more pain for if not going to benefit him 

    and that would be great if you could ask keith to get in contact 

    many thanks kim x x

  • One of our Mesowarriors wrote this I  will find his blog for you xx