Melanoma journey

  • 1 reply
  • 74 subscribers

Hi. I am new here. Started six years ago with wide excision on thigh. 6 months later separate lung cancer found. Treated and so far good however melanoma came up in lymph nodes 2 years ago. Nodes removed but operation not so good. Ct scan found spread a year later to all sorts of places and given Ipi/nico 2 rounds but developed pneumonitis so stopped treatment. Cyber knife to brain mets 7 months ago and repeat 6 weeks ago. Hoping xyber knife keeps things stable as immunotherapy has held from neck down


  • Hello Helen

    Welcome to the Melanoma group. I hope you do not mind me replying as I had a different type of cancer to you, but by doing so it will bump your post. 

    I am sorry to hear of your melanoma and lung cancer and that you have had some spread. It must have been hard to hear after you have had previous treatment. 

    It sounds promising that the immunotherapy has held things from the neck down and I hope that the cyber knife will keep things stable for you.

    How are you feeling generally? You have had quite a journey over the last 6 years with a lot of different treatments. I know myself that some treatments can be pretty aggressive and can leave lingering effects. If talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. The number is below and they are lovely on there. They can also have a look to see if there is any support available in your local area. 

    I hope that you have a supportive CNS/team at your hospital but if there is anything that you need please do ask. 

    Hopefully someone who has had a similar journey will now see your post and offer some more specific support. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm