Biopsy results

  • 5 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Hello everyone. My daughter found a new mole on my back end of April. Saw gp. Everything happened fast, saw gp ,reffered to hospital and had biopsy within 3weeks. Doctor said pretty sure its melanoma. Had biopsy. Got a 2 inch scar. And waiting on results  .its been 3 weeks now.  Does anyone know how long results take. Getting so stressed and worried waiting . Thank you 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the melanoma forum 

    Waiting for results is always an anxious time and I can understand you wanting to know how much longer you might have to wait.

    When you had the biopsy you should have been given an indication of how quickly results are currently taking in your area of the country along with a phone number to call if you haven't heard after that time. It's very disappointing that this didn't happen.

    How quickly results come back is purely down to how busy the pathology laboratories are how quickly your consultant can look at them when they do come back. It can be anywhere between 2 to 8 weeks with the majority being about 4/5 weeks. 

    Do come back and let us know how you get on and I'll keep my fingers crossed that the mole is benign.

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  • Thank you for reply. Not given any phone number. Nurse said 3 to 10 days. Doctor said  2 to 3 weeks. Surgeon said 4 to 6 weeks. So very confusing.  Also told letter, phone or email. So carry phone every where and keep looking out for postman.

  • Hi Vaw58,

    I’m in Edinburgh and still awaiting biopsy result, it will be 7 weeks on Tuesday. The doctor who performed the biopsy did say that wait time was likely to be around 8 weeks but I did hope he was erring on the side of caution… unfortunately not!

  • If it gets to 6 weeks, the time by which you've been told you should get your results, and you haven't heard anything then you could find out how much longer you might have to wait, if you speak to your consultant's secretary. If you don't have her number then the hospital switchboard should be able to put you through.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I’m Glasgow health board and had my biopsy 19 days ago.  I was told by my consultant that mine would be sent as urgent and would have results in around 2 weeks, I then spoke to their secretary who said it’s 2-4 weeks for urgent pathology results and 8-12 weeks for normal pathology results so hoping I hear something this week as I have been so worried.