Success stories, anyone?

  • 7 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Hello everyone,  

Very new to this group and I am looking to see the hope  and success you must have had.

Recently diagnosed with melanoma

1.2mm, no ulceration,no mitotic rate

All CT scans came out clear

Did the Wide excision and sentinel node 2 days ago and waiting for the results.

Have been on a roler coaster of emotions, but I m keeping optimistic that there is hope and this can be treated.

I m living in Portugal, and I was reading some of the post about the timelines for some of you, and I see it can take quite a while to get the final inputs.

Here in Portugal I feel they moved faster, in just one month I got to do the biopsy, CT scans, all sort of ECo and blood tests, Wide excision and Santi el Biopsy.

If you have any tips on how to stop ruminating on all these thoughts and worries, please do share.

Any little succes brings lots of help and support!

Thank you

  • Hi, and welcome to this Group.

    My timelines were extended due to Covid (I was diagnosed in late 2020), however my treatment has so far been successful. Following Ipi/Nivo combination therapy followed by Nivo, I was delighted to be told late last year that there was No Evidence of Disease (I.e., I was in remission).

    It wasn’t easy, and I have long-term side effects, but these are insignificant compared to the cancer in my liver and lungs.

    Please be positive - the latest drugs really are game-changers and offer a realistic hope of survival.

    All the best and good luck in the future.

  • Hi MiciG,

    Diagnosed Stage 3 in early 2020. One year of immunotherapy with Pembroluzimab (Keytruda) followed. Autoimmune colitis and lots of itching were my primary side-effects, but they all disappeared about 6 months post-treatment.

    Now non-detectable now3+ years. Loving life and consciously living a healthier lifestyle than I did prior to diagnosis.

    I wish you all the best. As Emo_Bham stated, the latest drugs really are total game-changers! Stay positive.

    Take care,


  • Thank you so much for the feedback, I am very glad to hear that you are now healty.

    Feeling hopeful for the future!

    Thanks again!

  • Thank you so much for sharing your story.

    I am always impressed on how strong we are as human beings and how our bodies can adapt and heal.

    Happy to hear you are healthy and living your life to the fullest!

    Thank you

  • Hi Dave,

    I'm in the same boat with autoimmune colitis and I was wondering if you could share how was your autoimmune colitis was tackled to ensure your treatment continued?

  • Hi Limpet,

    My colitis symptoms did not appear until about 4 months into the immunotherapy treatments. By that time my PET-scans were showing such improvement that I did not want to stop the infusions for any reason. Right or wrong, I minimized my complaint to my oncologist as I previously read that colitis was a common symptom that would lessen or disappear after treatment. Mine was very painful but not constant or debilitating. When I had the daily bouts, it did feel like someone had their hand inside of me and squeezing for all they were worth until I was very nauseous, but that would pass in an hour or so. I changed to a very bland and easily digestible Mediterranean-style diet and that seemed to help a lot for the remainder of the treatments.

    In retrospect I realize that it is probably not a good idea to minimize any symptom to your doctor. Not the smartest thing to do. This happened in early 2020 when not as much was known here about Keytruda side-effects and my doctor was not overly concerned as long as I wasn't. I haven't experienced those attacks in 3+ years.

    I wish you all the best with your treatments.


  • Thank you for sharing.

    All the best Slight smile