
  • 2 replies
  • 73 subscribers

New to group stage 1 just had my WLE today so feel relieved, especially as got another 4 moles  checked out but also anxious at same time-until get results back, which I  feel bad as know I’m so lucky . After initial diagnosis I was very anxious with heart palpitations over night and needed to destress think mind was in over drive and decided it was a death sentence.Have had a lot of left sided rib pain and feel exhausted chest xray luckily clear and advised vit D deficiency which has hopefully explained symptoms . Think just overwhelmed although not sure friends understand when you say skin cancer that it is v serious as all cancers are feel I’m over reacting . Do feel more calm and can’t fault care I have had. Also wonder if I need to declare for travel insurance if hopefully get the all clear , as have annual insurance which just constantly renews ? Thanks and reading posts v helpful x

  • Hi Pd21 - welcome to this Group.

    I'm sure you'll be provided with advice from others here, however I thought I'd just respond regarding your travel insurance.

    Yes - i think you'll need to advise your current insurers as to diagnosis, treatment, etc. Probably worth waiting until you have the WLE results (unless you're travelling before then).

    If they respond with increased premiums, there's a Travel Insurance Group here which can provide specialist advice.

    All the best, and good luck going forwards.

  • Thank you that’s helpful