Recent 1b diagnosis

  • 8 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hello all, 

I hope you’re all well and are doing okay given the difficult circumstances. Reading this forum has already helped me so I want to thank those kind people who take the time to read and respond to posts and messages. It really means a lot. 

I have recently been diagnosed with stage 1b melanoma and I have a wider excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy coming up in February. 

My main question is whether there’s anything I should be aware of or checking for in the meantime? I’m trying not to over analyse any of my (many!) moles but is there anything else symptoms wise I should be aware of. At the moment I feel absolutely fine but it’s hard not to read into the many everyday symptoms of being a busy mum and think that the tiredness or achiness is something more sinister now. I hope that makes sense and thanks in advance! 

  • Hi from a fellow 1B! I got my diagnosis in October and had the WLE & SNLB surgery 3 weeks ago.  I really hope your surgery goes ok. Feel free to ask me any questions.  What I will say is that it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be and I've been lucky enough to be fairly pain free.

    In terms of your question, I'm sure someone will be a long to answer it way better than me but what I will say is that some people have found their SCNS really helpful for running symptoms past and asking questions. For me, my consultant told me he wasn't worried about anything other than getting the surgery done so i shouldn't be worried either. He also did a full body check and reassured me that I'm in a system and will be regularly checked for a while now so that should be the same for you too? 

    Take care.

  • Hi there, thank you so much for your reply! It’s very reassuring to hear that it’s all gone as well as possible for you and wasn’t as painful as you feared. I assume you’re still waiting for your results from the SLNB? I have everything crossed for you. 

    I think you’re right in that it’s one thing at a time! I spoke to a nurse today who said it’s quite rare for there to be a completely different problem area (although I’m sure possible) and that the priority is the excisions and biopsies. After that I imagine we’ll be having lots of check ups which will hopefully bring some peace of mind. 

    I think it’s finding the balance of being aware and on top of checks etc but also not letting the anxiety completely take over! 

    Can I ask where your WLE was? Sending you all the love and support from afar over the next few weeks Heart

  • Hi.  Yes I got my results last Wednesday when I saw the surgeon to get my staples removed and they were all clear!  I was really surprised as I wasn't expecting them that quick but it was definitely a relief.

    My mole is on my ankle it was 1.4 thick. How about yours?

    Glad you've been in touch with a nurse. It IS a super worrying time and each person's experience is different. Be kind to yourself.

    I next have to have a mole removed from just under my eye - it's cancerous but not melanoma - not sure when that will be done but like I said they weren't interested in anything other than getting the treatment for the melanoma sorted.

    Feel free to have a read of my profile if you want to know more about my experience.

    Take care xx

  • Oh I’m so happy for you, that’s really reassuring news. Least you didn’t have to wait for too long l for the results either! 

    My mole was on the back of my thigh so I might need a skin graft and it was 1.2 thickness. Thank you Heart️ you too. I hope the removal of your next mole goes as smoothly - I know it’s obviously serious when it’s another form of skin cancer but it makes sense that they prioritised the melanoma from what I have heard. 

    I will have a little look, thank you again! 

  • I was told originally that I would need a skin graft and then when I met my surgeon he told me he was hoping not to need one. So I ended up with staples instead.  I meant to say too, the SLNB is fascinating although I'm still confused by what it actually was. I also have ended up with a seroma but they say it should settle down at some point.

  • That’s useful to know! I’ve met my surgeon and she said she’ll try to do it without a skin graft if possible but because of location she might need to. I am finding all the medical stuff really interesting - as well as a bit scary and anxiety inducing! I think a seroma is pretty common from what I’ve heard - fingers crossed it settles down for you soon Fingers crossed tone1 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently been diagnosed with melanoma and it's natural to wonder what you should be doing from now on.

    Normally, your consultant would give you a leaflet explaining what things you should be doing. If you click here I've linked you to the British Association of Dermatologists leaflet on melanoma stage 1b. If you scroll to page 7 it tells you what you should be doing under the heading 'Self Care'. However, basically you should check your skin all over once a month along with your lymph nodes. As I'm a very moley person I was advised to take photos and use these as a baseline to compare with each month. 

    You also need to reduce your risk of developing further melanomas by following the recommendations in the leaflet which basically tell you how to stay safe in the sun.

    It would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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  • Thank you so much Latchbrook for this resource! I think I’ve been told some of this information before but it’s really helpful to have it all in one place to refer back to. I will definitely be keeping a close eye on moles in the future and sticking to the shade! 

    Many thanks again - and I was glad to read that despite a tough time then results recently have been negative for you Heart️