Fatigue associated with Targeted Treatment

  • 9 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi there; I’m new to the forum and curious to know if people receiving Targeted Treatment for melanoma have experienced overwhelming fatigue associated with their therapy. If so, what tweaks or adjustments did your team make to help alleviate the symptom?…… I’m about to start my 5th cycle, and feel like I’ve been zapped with a taser gun: my get-up-and-go has definitely got-up-and-gone and my mood is incredibly low…… is this the norm?

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read about the fatigue you're suffering and I understand it can be very debilitating. Not being on targeted therapy myself, I don't have any experience to share but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list where it'll be easier for everyone to see.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Selfie, I am on my first cycle of Targeted treatment. My first cycle of immunotherapy failed by wrecking my hormonal  system such that I do not naturally produce adrenaline anymore so I can get very weak as well as tired. My body clock is also affected by a steroid regime which definitely controls my energy levels.I haven't asked for any advice from my team although I do recall being told by someone to let it happen if tired take a rest . For me I take my morning meds at 6:45am and have a mega breakfast routine after which sometimes I can be going back to bed by 8am. When I give in to the sleep it wrecks my body clock and I can be out of sorts for days to follow. I find mild yoga exercises and meditating can wake me up enough to get me started on projects and maintain some regularity in my body cycle. I get my meditations from the book "Mindfulness" by Mark Williams and danny Penman. The most useful yoga exercise for me is the the Tree. I'm 72 and 105kg so there's nothing too dramatic there. I Hope this might be useful to you and please let me know if you find any other strategies that work for you.

  • Elbibi, Thankyou for your reply.

  • Latchbrook; thankyou

  • Hi are you on dabrafenib  and trametinib. I've nearly finished my first cycle. I've had no major side effects just spots and a bit of sneezing. Got my check up tomorrow bloods tests and collect 2nd cycle.

  • Hi there Miss Mole, its good to hear your first cycle has gone well…..hopefully it’ll stay that way. I’m on the same tablets. I’m just starting my 5th cycle today. I’ve tolerated the treatment ok so far (nausea and tiredness being the only symptoms to contend with) but, these last few weeks I have had overwhelming fatigue, which I put down to the time of year etc etc. But, seemingly the effects of the drugs can accumulate, therefore, my nurse suggested we delayed the start of my 5th cycle by a week. I have to admit, I thought if I’d been ok so far then I’d be ok throughout…… there’s always something to learn on this “journey”. The advise I received yesterday was to look after myself. It makes perfect sense, and if (for example) my daughter was taking the treatment, I would be first to say “no need to do this, that or the other” and “take the easy way”. But, when it comes to myself, I push on without admitting I need some slack. I suppose I don’t ever want to play the sympathy card. Anyways, enough about me; what I’m trying to give you here is encouragement/support…….. keep an eye on yourself is what I’d advise, pace yourself, and remind your family & friends that these drugs aren’t just paracetamols….. we’re putting fairly nasty toxins in our bodies which have the capacity to floor us and sometimes they may notice we’re not playing our “A-game”. 

  • Hi thanks for the reply. Had blood tests yesterday all fine started second cycle. They said they discussed my pet scan in med meeting and decided that I need a thyroid ultra scan as the thyroid lit up but they said it's common and not concerned but needs to be checked.

  • Hi hope you had a good Xmas and New year. Hope your 5th cycle is going OK.

  • Hi  

    I hope you don't mind me butting in, but I remembered seeing you ask this question about taking your medication at different times in the Ask A Nurse section of the online community. In case you haven't read her reply, clicking here will take you to it.

    I hope this helps

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