What to expect at your post operation consultants melanoma results

  • 2 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi I'm new to the forum  I'm of tomorrow  to see the consultant  for my post operation  melanoma  excision  can anyone  tell me what to expect  at the meeting  its been a little over 4 weeks since the operation  which was a large mole that turned in a matter of about 6 -8weeks  any advice would be greatly appreciated thankyou clayton. 

  • Hi.  i can only share my experience.  When I initially saw the consultant he said the mole needed removing asap, that he expected it to come back as Stage 1B Melanoma and explained what would happen next if that was the case.  He then excised the mole the following day.  I waited 5 weeks for the results.  Then my consultant phoned me and said would I like to go in to see him there and then.  At the appointment, he introduced me to a skin cancer nurse and confirmed that my mole was indeed Stage 1B Melanoma.  He explained very thoroughly what was going to happen next and the SCNS gave me books and leaflets about the procedure.  I was able to ask questions. I hope that's helpful?

  • Thank you so much for the information kindest regards clayton.