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Hi I'm new on here, I just needed to write it all down.....its been a whirlwind of emotions. From having my mole checked to being removed had no biopsy, all removed as doctor said it looked had it taken out 8 weeks later. Then waiting for the results to be told it's melanoma......its a bit of a shock to be hearing that, now just waiting for the next procedure hopefully have some news soon

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you've been diagnosed with melanoma and I remember how shocked I felt when told.

    Are you having both a wide local excision (WLE) and sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) or just the former?

    It would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Latchbrook, thankyou for your reply. Yes I'm having both, just waiting for the appointment x

  • Hiya I also had a mole removed from my back which was thought to be a seborrhoeic keratosis had it looked at many times and I have a lot all over my body thought to be genetic and age related in July it started to bleed thankfully it was picked up and had it scooped out by nurse in the doctors surgery she told me it would go off for biopsy and she would only call me if there was anything wrong after 2 weeks i had the dreaded phone call it was melanoma. I was so shocked it had been an awful year as my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer had chemo and radiotherapy and when he finished his treatment I started mine

     I had to have a pet scan and brain scan to make sure it hadn't spread they came back all clear and had the mole removed biopsy came back all clear but they wanted me to have a wide cut excision andChristmas tree sentinel lymph biopsy which I had done on 10th November results were great hadn't spread to the nymph lodes so delighted will be under Guys for a few years for regular check ups and scans but, all Christmas treerth it feeling good and positive and gonna enjoy life to the full.  I hope your results are good and enjoy Christmas Christmas tree 

  • Hi Doris.  Did they give you a stage?  The waiting is really horrible isn't it.  I feel like all I've done is wait for dates.  I have my WLE & SNLB next Tuesday 19th. Then it will be the next wait for results.  My stage is 1B so I'm hoping the SNLB is just routine and results will be clear.

    Hope you get a date soon and all goes well.

  • Hi Fiftrix1, yes I was told it was stage 1b, the mole has been removed but now waiting for the date to have the SNLB and WLE. The doctor said to me it is routine to have these to make sure there are no cells in my lymph nodes  and removing more skin from around the area to reduce the chance of it coming back, 

    Its just waiting for the date to have it done that is driving me mad I'd rather have it this side of Christmas, and yes you are right it's the waiting again for the results, 

    I hope it all goes well for you and your not having to wait to long for your results and it's all clear x

  • Hi.  Thank you for your kind wishes - I wish that for you too!  Really hope your date comes through quick. Feel free to let me know if you like. :)

    Where was your mole?  Mine's on my ankle but the surgeon has said he's hoping I won't need a skin graft which would be one less thing to worry about.  I'm still v confused about recovery and what to expect after but I guess I'll know this time next week!

  • Hi, mine was on the muscle just before your shoulder (can't remember what it's called) it was very sore after having the mole removed it even hurt when I moved my neck. I had to have 2 weeks of work due to where it was they said if the stitches get pulled it will have to heal as an open wound as they wouldn't be able to stitch it again and then a higher chance of getting an infection. I felt so bad for being off as I work. 

    Bless you it's the not knowing all time, I guess we all recover and heal differently. Just make sure you take time for yourself x

  • Hi.  That sounds nasty.  I must admit mine was sore a long time too. I can still 'feel' it now at times. I wonder what time off you'll need next time round?  I work from home so it's easier.  I'm actually starting to look forward to a rest over Christmas! ;) 

  • Hi, I work with children with additional needs so they will climb all over me and it can be very physical. So that's why I was told not to go into work. When I said to the nurse at Addenbrookes what I did she said I will need at least 2 weeks off due to where it and again I have to be careful about the stitches getting pulled. So I will have to wait until I have the stitches taken out.

    I hope you enjoy your rest, I hope it goes well for you on Tuesday x