Hello and help with treatment anxiety.

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  • 73 subscribers

Hello everyone. I have previously commented on a couple of posts but not introduced myself. I am stage 3c melanoma. I was misdiagnosed by my doctor and not referred 3 times for a changing mole before i insisted it was removed. I have had a WLE and skin graft. (under local) That was fine. The skin graft got infected and is now clearing up with antibiotics. initial scans all clear. have seen the oncologist and he has offered a year of adjuvant therapy, which i am just considering. The one thing that gives me the most anxiety is the humongous list of potential side effects.  I am envisaging a year bedridden with all sorts of serious problems. I am usually a glass half full kind of person but the thought of treatment side effects is frightening me no end. I have anxiety anyway so really unhelpful and i have just had my first proper wobble. Hence reaching out for support and positive experiences even though I know everyone experience in different. When i say positive i mean issues can be dealt with and you can still carry on even if that's just pottering about the house and a few walks. Many thanks 

  • Hi Middleman. 

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Obviously we're all concerned about the potential side effects of treatment, however please be assured that not everyone struggles as much as the leaflets suggest.

    In my case (Stage 4 with liver and lung metastases), I was offered a two-year course of immunotherapy, comprising combined Ipi/Nivo for 4 sessions and then just Nivo thereafter. 

    My side effects have been relatively easy to tolerate. I had some mild fatigue after each of the combined treatments (not enough to send me to bed) but that ended after the combined therapy. 

    The other issue, which is a life-long change, is that my immune system attacked my adrenal glands, with the result that I now take two small steroid tablets each day.

    All in all, a very small price to pay for treatment which has destroyed the cancer and left me (for the time being), with a relatively clean bill of health.

    A point I always make, is that if you look at the leaflet with a pack of paracetamol tablets you'd never have one of those....

    All the best, and please don't make any decision purely on the potential side effects! Your SCNS will certainly be able to advise on this as well I would have thought. 

    Good luck.

  • Emo- Bham. thanks for the message it's much appreciated. It's just what i needed. Someone listening as it's all hit home in the last couple days. Thanks again.

  • It's a pleasure.  Please feel free to ask any questions - I'm certainly not an expert but at least I do have some "life experience ". If I can't provide an answer, someone on here will be able to.

    All the best