Melanoma diagnosis

  • 11 replies
  • 77 subscribers

Hi I am new to the group. 

Been diagnosed as stage 1B withe a WLE and Lymph Node Biopsy booked for 13 December. 

Find that this is constantly on my mind. 

Is that pretty usual?

  • Hi.  I also have been diagnosed with stage 1B.  Am seeing the plastic surgeon this week so hopeful for a date for my WLE & SLNB.  When did you get your op date?  I'm like you I struggle to think about anything else and for me it's been really hard not knowing when the surgery will be as I want to be able to get my head round it.  It doesn't sound pleasant does it!  I've certainly found the forum helpful in terms of knowledge and empathy.  Good luck with your journey.

  • Hi I had Mole removed on 9 August and had results on 12 September.  Saw consultant on 25 September and was told probably a six week wait for surgery. 

    However I thing the hospital stries have delayed things but am now booked for 13 December.  So all in all things are progressing. 

  • Hi Fifitrix1

    Good luck to you as well.

    Think the forum is a great idea 

  • Hi.  Thank you for letting me know.  It's useful to hear other people's experiences esp around waiting times and also I've found it helpful reading other's stories to get a clearer picture of what the op looks like.  I'm seeing the plastic surgeon on Wednesday so hope to get an idea of surgery date then. Hope all goes well for you.  

  • Hi I’ve been diagnosed with a 2a need wle and snlb possible skin graft as on chin.. Nottingham 9-12 month wait !!! I’m ringing round trying to find quicker out if area times.. do you mind me asking which hospital you are under .. thank you

  • Which hospital did you go to.. I’m soo stressed Nottingham have a 9-12 month wait FlushedSob

  • Hi I am booked into Broomfield Hospital Chelmsford 

  • I've been living the nightmare since the end of August when I got the diagnosis (after consultant told me in May it wasn't cancer ...) I have thought of nothing since ... and couldn't concentrate on doing anything  properly. Today I've had my lymph node scans in preparation for tomorrow's WLE and SLNB. I'm now being treated at The Christies and they have been absolutely fabulous at all 3 appointments so far. The surgeon is hoping to not have to do a skin graft and I hope so to. I know I will have a scar but I just want this over with ... My original appointment was to have been November 4th but had managed to get it brought forward a few weeks - I was going crazy but now I'm so much calmer ... do look at my profile which I've added to especially about the breathing etc - this has helped me sleep and feel more positive.

  • Hope all goes well