Mole excision biopsy results today

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  • 78 subscribers

I have never posted anything before but my anxiety brain has taken over all night! I had a flat mole on my chin that came from nowhere, it sort of peeled so I went to the gp who said it was ok.  However, it then all of a sudden it started to grow very fast, becoming raised about the size of a raisin and different colours.  I went back to the GP who referred me to the local small gp surgery with the understanding that they would look at it and deal with it.  However when I got there the lady wanted a second opinion and they decided I needed to go to hospital.  The surgeon took photos and I was booked in for an excision biopsy 6 weeks later, I felt relieved as I thought if it was serious they would see me sooner.  When I had the biopsy the surgeon said it was a lot blacker than when I had the photos taken snd it had continued to grow.. I was now starting to worry more.. I then got a letter asking me to come in for a face to face appointment… they wouldn’t tell me the results over the phone .. panic now building… then I find out I’m seeking the skin cancer specialist nurse… anxiety really going for it now…so it is now just under 4 weeks since the biopsy and it’s results day later and my brain has gone into overthinking mode.. i just need to know one way of the other… I wish they would just tell you rather than having to wait.. I’m not good at waiting! I keep telling myself it may be all gone but I have a feeling it’s going to be a long day.. 

  • Good luck with your results today.  Whatever the outcome, I'm sure you will feel better for knowing.  When I was waiting for my results I felt physically sick and couldn't think of anything else but once I knew the outcome and my treatment plan I was able to process the information and deal with the situation so much better.  Take someone with you, two pairs of ears is better than one,  and ask lots of questions.

    Best of luck.

  • Thank you, I agree once I know and if it is positive I will feel more in control knowing what will be happening.  At the moment I don’t know how long the appointment is, whether they will do a body check as I’ve not had one yet, it’s all the unknowns. 

  • Wishing you all the best, waiting is so anxiety provoking you feel powerless.I hope you  feel better when you know what you have to deal with big hug

  • Thank you , absolutely.. just feel sick .. only a couple more hours to wait .. eek

  • Hi I just read your profile. I've just recently found out I have small amount in lymph nodes. Had pet scan last week waiting on results its so worrying. I was diagnosed in july from mole on side of foot. Do you have any side effects from your treatment. Yeah I know what you mean everyone telling you to be positive I don't think they realise how serious it can be. How long did it take to get pet scan results.


  • Just found out it’s stage 2a so need skin graft and lymph node tests.. just starting to sink in

  • The waiting!!!! OMG - THE WAITING!!!  It's just awful.  I really feel your pain.  It seems to take so long and so many days/weeks of silence and not knowing.  I think the uncertainty is just awful.  I've now had my diagnosis but am waiting again, this time for a date for my SNLB & WLE.  The anxiety is debilitating and it's difficult to find people who understand. I hope your results are ok but whatever they are you will find good empathy and advise here.

  • Just been advised it’s a 8/12 month waiting list!! 

  • Oh noooooooo!  That's awful Disappointed Gosh how are you supposed to cope with that?

  • Have you had the results of your biopsy yet? Once I knew I had a malignant melanoma I was ready to take the next step. My next op is on 8 Nov. I wish you all the best