Hello I’m new here

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Hello everyone, I am currently very worried that I may have melanoma. A mole has turned very dark, it has changed in appearance a lot, borders are irregular & I have dark brown spots all over it, plus another lesion near it has appeared, both are slightly tender, not much but I do get slight stings on occasion. 
I have been out in sun quite a bit in last month but wore sun screen although I still got sunburn on back of my leg. I think I didn’t re-apply enough. 
I only noticed change in the mole few days ago, I booked doctors appointment and he said it does look abnormal & has referred me for emergency appointment with cancer specialists to check it. 
the mole looks very suspicious with all the dark dots & seems like it maybe spreading a bit outwards. 
i am also experiencing odd pain near the area, just under my right nipple area, like an achy sensation but it does it sporadically, I’m worrying it could of spread into my chest tissue?
I feel like my life is on hold until I know the results. I feel like it’s quite likely to be melanoma from the research I’ve done. 
Any feedback would be appreciated I am very down and scared.

  • Hi Hyzer2022.

    Really sorry to hear about this but by the sound of it you have noticed the changes very recently and been referred as an emergency so all that's good news, as it were. It's best not to do too much research via the internet as it tends to send hares running and suddenly everything seems doom and gloom. Obviously you are very concerned and I know I was sh*t scared but it tends to be the waiting and not knowing that is the worst part. The best bit is that a plan of action is now in motion and things will happen very soon so be patient, if that's possible and stay positive. To try and take your mind off things get out and get on with things you enjoy I found that really helped me. Also on a very personal note I chose to tell everyone what was happening - there is nothing to be ashamed about. I wish you all the very best and keep sharing on this forum there are some wonderful people on here to support and advise you. 

  • Hi thank you for the reply, I’m worried also due to some pain when I press near the one mole, it’s like pain in the bone, it feels tender, I’m worried it may have spread? 
    im trying to not worry but I fear the worst.

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It can be a very anxious time waiting for test results but please try to remember that it may well not be melanoma at all. If you click here you can read a post from , who I'm also tagging into my reply, who was absolutely convinced that they had melanoma and that it had spread already. Fortunately it turned out to be just an ordinary mole and not a melanoma at all. I'm hoping that Ashsi will pop on and tell you about their happy ending.

    It's natural to assume the worst, as humans we seem to be pre-programmed to do it, but my best piece of advice would be to stay away from google and instead immerse yourself in doing things that you enjoy to take your mind away from worrying. 

    Do you have a date to have the mole examined yet?


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  • Hi,

    Thanks for the tag. I completely understand what you're going through. It's difficult and I've been there. I was utterly convinced it was melanoma (some days to this day I still struggle and think my diagnosis was wrong) I even thought I could feel stinging and aches and pains in the area much like you. I was biopsied and it was all clear. Normal mole that had grown and acted strongly but was OK. Melanoma and moles are odd, they can do all sorts so it's worth testing to get a definitive view. Until then, easier said than done but please keep yourself distracted.

  • Hi latchbrook thank you for the reply it did help ease my anxiety a bit reading ashsi’s post. I am going to try stay away from Google it certainly isn’t helping. The thing what worries me is why the mole has suddenly turned so dark & just looks wrong. I’m hoping it turns out it is a normal mole just being weird but it’s hard to feel positive also due to my depression and anxiety. I am going to try distract myself and not let it consume me. I will keep you all updated aswell. I have not had a date to have the mole examined yet hopefully I hear soon. 

  • Hi thanks for the reply and I’m pleased for you that it didn’t turn out to be cancerous. Did get pains around the area or do you think it was more from worrying/hyper focusing? 
    I swear that since seeing it I’ve been getting slight tingles/dull aches and sporadic stings around where the two lesions/moles are and around my ribs up towards armpit. It is making me panic and fear the worst but I will try to not think about it too much as it’s out of my control really & hopefully it won’t be anything serious. 

  • Hello. What did this turn out to be? Currently waiting for scan results for something really similar